Panopticon AI is a web-based software simulation platform compatible with OpenAI Gym. Our project is open source, with code available to military modeling and simulation researchers. We hope to advance the state of the art in military AI research.


Realistic Simulations

We're building a realistic red and blue forces simulation at the unclassified level for AI researchers. Our backend engine will allow researchers to train algorithms and plug in custom agents. Our front end provides a user friendly web interface for easy editing and interaction with scenarios.


Using user-created agents to control red and blue forces, users can create and play through custom wargames. While our platform is still under construction, our code is released under an Apache 2.0 license, allowing anyone to create custom wargames on top of the platform.

Getting started

Our source code is available here To understand the features we have available, click Play or read the docs.

Complete the OODA loop

Reinforcement Learning

Panopticon AI is inspired by the technologies behind AlphaStar and OpenAI. Our system provides a platform for researchers to train and run reinforcement learning algorithms for wargaming simulations. By training agents, military planners will be able to realistically forecast military scenarios and challenge existing assumptions about theater-level strategy. We're hoping to foster the creation of a military AI that no human can defeat.

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